Online Application Form

Student Application

Application Instructions

East Village Middle College High School New Student Application/Essay

Thank you for your interest in East Village Middle College High School (EVMCHS). We offer an accelerated, middle college program in which students earn weighted college credit through our dual enrollment partnership with San Diego City College.

In order to apply to EVMCHS, students must have a 2.5 GPA (3.0 preferred) in their most recent academic term. The attached form must be completed by a parent or guardian. In addition, each student must submit a New Student Application Essay to be scored by EVMCHS staff. The prompt for this essay can be found at the end of the application form. Successful essays will be a minimum of 250 words in length and reflect a score of 2.5 or above on our school Writing Rubric for Applicants.

Applicants must also be prepared to submit the following documentation upon request:

1. Middle school or most current transcript

2. Most recent state test scores in English/math.

3. Attendance and/or disciplinary records

Each application will be considered for 1) Strength of GPA/academic history and 2) essay score. Eligible students will be contacted by the school to schedule an interview. This interview is considered the final component of the application process. The purpose of the interview is to determine college readiness in accordance with state dual enrollment guidelines and San Diego Unified School District (SDUSD) Procedure 4322.

AdministrativePolicies & Procedures - Instruction Procedures: 4322 PDF

Enrollment interviews are generally scheduled weekdays between 3:00 - 5:00pm.

IEP Students: EVMCHS is an atypical school of choice open to all students who meet the basic enrollment requirements identified above. Students who are eligible for an individualized education plan may apply in the same manner as general education students. Following a review of the application, parents/guardians of IEP students who meet all requirements will be required to provide the most recent copy of the IEP for review by EVMCHS resource staff. In an effort to ensure proper placement, a change of placement meeting will be required as indicated by our siteIEP Enrollment Procedures prior to enrollment.

Please call the school at (619) 362-4769 if you have any questions,

Student First Name

Student Middle Name

Student Last Name

Date of Birth

Street Address



Student Phone Number (do not include dashes-example: 6195551212) 

Student E-Mail

Social Security Number (Optional)

Current Grade

Current School


Does the student have a current special education IEP?

Does the student have a current 504 plan in place?

Name of Parent/Guardian

Type the First and Last names of the student's legal guardian

Home Address (If different from student)

Type the parent/guardian home address if different from student

Parent/Guardian Phone Number (do not include dashes - example: 6195551212) 

Name of Additional Parent/Guardian Guardian

Home Address (If different from student)

Type the home address of additional guardian if different from student

Additional Parent/Guardian Phone Number (do not include dashes - example: 6195551212)

New Student Application Essay - Briefly describe the reasons you are seeking admissions to EVMCHS. Include your personal background, education qualities that make you an ideal candidate for our dual-enrollment college program. (Minimum 250 words)

Please check this box to verify that the New Student Application Essay was written and submitted solely by the applicant, pursuant to SDUSD Administrative Procedure 4322, SDCCD Dual Enrollment Agreement SV-14-0291-13 and CA Department of Education dual enrollment guidelines (EDC 48800)

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