EVMCHS students are able to complete their Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) Certification during high school, cost free. This certification represents the completion of ALL required General Education coursework in the UC/CSU systems and may lead to Associate's Degree attainment depending on course selection and academic planning. Students explore the wide range of SDCCD courses on their dual enrollment journeys and receive college counseling along the way. Required EVMCHS courses represent foundations of experience all students take together and are reflective of our AVID Site of Distinction philosophy. Recommended EVMCHS courses ensure that students are adequately prepared for dual enrollment opportunities in all disciplines. Optional EVMCHS courses allow students to explore their interests and/or maintain sufficient HS enrollment under state code (2 periods/180 minutes).
EVMCHS Required Courses
Recommended Courses
Optional Courses
Physical Education 1-4 English 1-2/AVID 9
(Identity and Relationships)
Honors English 3-4/AVID 10
*Honors American Literature
*AVID 12
Integrated Math I a-b
Integrated Math II a-b
Integrated Math III a-b
Biology 1-2
Chemistry 1-2
World History 1-2
(Power and Identity/World)
United States History/Geo 1-2
(Identity and Agency/US)
Writer’s Workshop 12
Pre-Calculus 1-2
Statistics 1-2
Green Up & Go 1-2 (Physics)
Graphic Design 1-4 or Photo 1-4
AVID Peer Mentor
Personal Leadership 1-4
* Not required for 11th grade early graduate option (based on academic plan and petition result)
Beyond that... the possibilities are endless!
Class of 2022 Valedictorian, Lucia Cavallini-Martinez earned multiple Associate's Degrees. Learn more about Lucia's story below and imagine what you could do with a college degree earned in HS!